AGI: The Year In Review.

We certainly did not start the past Financial Year believing it would be a tougher year to manage than 2020, with Covid-19 developing further, Omicron entering our country, resulting in further lockdowns and red traffic light rules, resulting in almost 26 weeks of high restrictions.

This, also compounded with significant supply chain delays, production delays and costs increases while service levels are decreasing.

However, this adversity certainly forced us to improve our ability to problem solve, and build further resilience, which most certainly helped us to become a stronger business.

Creating clarity was the key. Clarity in strategy and clarity through our ways of working and operational efficiency, enabled our business to have focus on where the ROI is most fruitful. Building a 10 Year Vision and having key strategic pillars and initiatives to drive this vision is enabling our team to move faster with less ambiguity. 

We continued to deliver growth to our business, despite the significant challenges. The partnerships with our key retail partners continued to strengthen and working as closely as possible with them to ensure things remained commercial was critical. 

Under Armour Brand House: Sylvia Park

We brought in 6 new staff members to our Head Office Team in 2021, across all departments. Each and every person is delivering a high level of expertise and is taking each of their respective roles to the next level. This is helping us now to move to now much faster.

From a Sports Marketing perspective, the highlight of our year was the 3 Under Armour Athletes who won Gold Medals across all 3 Olympic Games.

  • Lisa Carrington (Canoe Sprint) Tokyo Summer Olympics - x3 Gold Medals.

  • Sophie Pascoe (Swimming) Tokyo Summer Paralympics – x2 Gold / x1 Silver / x1 Bronze Medals.

  • Nico Porteous (Freestyle Skiing) Beijing Winter Olympics – x1 Gold Medal.

Under Armour NZ Athletes: (L-R) Lisa Carrington, Nico Porteous, Sophie Pascoe

So, what does the horizon beckon? For the new Financial Year, starting in April 22, we have spent a large amount of time deeply reviewing our business, which continues today. Doubling down on our key focuses and pivoting on those that have become less relevant. Though improving efficiencies is a 365 day a year job, we will continue to challenge ourselves each and every day to make the daily marginal gains.

Building this enhanced clarity is enabling the team to eliminate the noise and to ensure we shape and move our business against the brand and business targets we have set.

In the nature of our industry, we have our business already planned and booked through to December 22 and now about to sell in Winter 23. We are very excited about how this new Financial Year is shaping up and the strategies in place which we’re deeply motivated to achieve.

Thank you to all our business partners and our retail trade partners for your continued support. We have big plans ahead of us and look forward to growing alongside you all.

Bring on 2022!


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